Solutions Now is a documentary that examines all aspects of modern living and solutions for a more sustainable and responsible lifestyle.
We look not only at food and plastic pollution, but also fashion & beauty, energy, travel, education, well-being and even our economy.
As the population slowly approaches 8 billion, a unique set of challenges begins to present themselves. Things we take for granted today could become devastatingly complex problems in the world that is quickly reaching its carrying capacity. It is imperative that we tackle the issues of sustainability. In an era where sustainability is often associated with and dismissed as bohemian or hippie lifestyles, our society needs a radical paradigm shift in our thinking. In order to bring about this change in mass-mentality, we will need the minds of extraordinarily brave and bold thinkers who aren’t afraid of gargantuan challenges. Fortunately, we have Paula Miquelis and Stephanie Dickson. Steph and Paula are the founders of Green Is the New Black, a cooperative that aims to raise global consciousness in an attention-grabbing way. In SOLUTIONS Now, they take a journey through some of the world’s most populated and productive regions like Singapore and Hong Kong both sharing ideas on sustainable-living and learning new ideas in exchange.
More about Green Is the New Black:
Run time: 60 minutes
Status: In slowed down C19 production.
SOLUTIONS Now is an examination of what is arguably the most important trait of humanity as a species; the desire and tendency to challenge what we think is impossible and to do what has never been done before. It’s this very trait that compelled the first humans to migrate across the globe and the same trait that took us to the moon and back. SOLUTIONS Now is not only a showcase of humans adapting to change, it’s a deep dive into the psyche, mentality of change-makers and influencers.
This documentary will follow the pressing issue of sustainability, acting as the protagonist of the documentary narrative. At its core, SOLUTIONS Now is a human story. Through it’s introspective look into the complex nuances of pushing for change, this program is designed to make us think and most certainly designed to make us feel inspired towards actions. Driven by their personal experiences and feedback from their surrounding community, Steph & Paula are determined to act as ambassadors for sustainable change and transform ideas into actions.
At the intersection of documentary, travel, reality television and social content, SOLUTIONS Now boasts a wide-range of audience appeal in Southeast-Asia and beyond. The most marketable attractor of this documentary will be the inherent challenging nature of the content. Simply put, people love to watch other people do the impossible and challenge societies. Social change and sustainability are most certainly in today’s Zeitgeist and SOLUTIONS Now is a perfect way to capitalise on this popularity while offering a positive, humanistic perspective on the subject. Additionally, as a program that takes its audience to various locations, reveals dialogue with change-makers and exposure to inspiring solutions it appeals to audiences of travel shows. This documentary is designed for an Asian audience to feel inspired and embrace positive change however we believe that climate emergency is a global challenge without borders.
FOOD with David Yeung | Green Mondays | Singapore
FASHION & BEAUTY with Christina Dean | Redress & The R Collective | Hong Kong
WASTE & THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY with Sann Carrière | So Now | Singapore
TRAVEL with Renyung Ho | Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts | Singapore
MOBILITY with Anthony Tan | Grab | Singapore
ENERGY with Assaad Razzouk | Sindicatum Renewable Energy | Singapore
URBAN LIVING with Wong Mun Summ | WOHA architects | Singapore
HABIT SHAPING with Muriel Bauer | Almagaia | Singapore